French Crepes ~ perfect for breakfast, brunch or dinner

Breakfast Crepes ~ These make a wonderful breakfast. I like them filled with cottage cheese that has been sweetened with honey & cinnamon, & then topped with peaches. We also like them filled with Nutella & bananas or cottage cheese & jam. Try this really easy recipe for Basic Crepe Batter.  It's good for either sweet or savory crepes and it's so simple to do.

Another of the places J studied on his 'Around the World' tour of holiday traditions was France.  He learned that the children of that county used to put oats or carrots in their shoes on Christmas Eve for Gui ~ Père Noël's donkey. The donkey would eat the oats while Père Noël was leaving a small gift.  J brought home a construction paper 'shoe', filled with a small bag of oats.  He just had to eat the tablespoon of oats as soon as he told me what they had learned.  He would have nothing to do with leaving the oats for the donkey, so he ate them sprinkled on a bowl of yogurt, just like he sees me eat them for  breakfast.

For my meal from France, I decided to make crepes.  What could be more French than that?  My friend, Patrice, gave me my crepe pan as a gift, oh, so many years ago.  She is a fabulous cook & whips up meals & desserts that are just amazing.  She draws on her French heritage & I am thankful she taught me how to make them.  We all just love eating them.  I like them best as a sweet dessert or for breakfast, but you can make crepes for dinner, too. I think they also do an excellent job of turning dinner leftovers into a special meal for another night.

These would make a wonderful Christmas breakfast.  Hmm...I wonder if Père Noël takes petit déjeuner orders for Christmas morning?     Joyeux Noël!

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