Homemade Nut Milk ~ Almond, Cashew, Soy & Vegan Cashew Alfredo

Homemade Nut Milks ~ Almond, Cashew & Soy

I have had fun making different Homemade Nut Milks.  The Cashew Milk is AWESOME!  It tastes great, so creamy & rich.  It is wonderful as a cream substitute, both in hot or cold dishes. Cooking with it is my new passion. I've made a wonderful Vegan Cashew Alfredo that was to die for!  Making Cashew Milk is super easy, you just blend raw cashews (soaked or not) with water & blend. To see the 'how to',  go visit  ~   http://vegetarian.about.com/od/rawfoodsrecipes/r/cashewmilk.htm

Vegan Cashew Alfredo ~ made with Cashew Milk & Veggies ~ YUMMY!! Cashew Milk is my new favorite thing!! I am tweaking a bunch of recipes to see how it tastes as a dairy substitute. I'm using it in ~ cream soups, desserts, entrees, etc.  So far, so good.  It thickens great & really has the 'cream' mouth feel. Go visit this great cooking video on how to make this Vegan Cashew Alfredo  ~   http://www.youtube.com/user/miyokoskitchen?blend=2&ob=5#p/a/u/0/Yu7_z96RKCw

Cookies & Milk ~ Sprouted Raw Almond Milk & Chocolate Soy Milk

Got Milk? ~ Sprouted Raw Almond Milk, Chocolate Soy Milk & McVittie's Hobnob Cookies...what a late night treat! I like the Sprouted Almond Milk better than the first Almond Milk I made the other day. You soak the raw nuts (which starts the germination process), slip off the skins, add water, blend & strain it.  To see how to make Sprouted Raw Almond Milk go visit ~  http://goneraw.com/recipe/basic-sprouted-almond-milk 

I just couldn't let all that almond pulp left over from making the almond milk go to waste, so I used the strained almond 'pulp' in making an olive tapenade, I just replaced some of the olives with the almond pulp, it was really tasty.  Here are some other interesting recipes for using leftover almond pulp ~ http://www.rawfoodtalk.com/showthread.php?12805-I-need-an-appetizing-ALMOND-PULP-recipe-PLEASE!  

Soy Milk is MUCH better with cocoa powder added. Add cocoa powder to taste & some of your favorite sweetener. I just noticed the glass on the left is the same one Mad Men, Don Draper, has in his office. Way Cool!! :)     If you want to see how to make Soy Milk, go visit ~ http://www.ehow.com/how_2042557_make-soy-milk.html

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