Soft boiled eggs are a perfectly simple breakfast for Easter |

I don't know about you, but at our house, we think that eggs are right up there with bunny rabbits as the best decorations for Easter. We have eggs everywhere ~ both inside the house & out. We've got colorful plastic ones, neon ones, hand decorated ones, jumbo ones, mini ones, chocolate ones, hand carved ones & last, but not least, colorful fresh ones. (supplied by friends with chickens ~ thanks to Dan & to Misty!) I also have a bunch of playful egg cups that my cousin, Susanne, sent me years ago. Those egg cups make an appearance whenever we eat soft boiled eggs ~ but they take center stage at Easter time. They are such a whimsical way to display Easter eggs ~ I can't imagine Easter without them.
Soft boiled egg & 'toast soldiers' |
Playful egg cups make a breakfast so much more fun... |
Fresh eggs are the BEST! |

I always use an
'Egg-Perfect Eggtimer' to cook my eggs. It takes all the guess work out of when to take the eggs out of the water. It is my 'go-to' for all hot water boiling of eggs. I also couldn't live without my
'egg topper', it makes it so easy to remove the top off a soft boiled egg. (it's shaped like Micky Mouse's head, so it makes me smile, too)
...the pinker they get. |
The longer they soak... |
I also like to soak hard boiled eggs in some pickled beet juice to make shocking pink eggs. They look cool & really brighten up any salad you put them in. I'll try making
deviled eggs with them next time.
High 5 Lamb (with egg ear muffs) |
Peeping chick |
Easter Egg Bush |
Easter Pals |
Robins Egg |
Happy Easter ~ from our family to yours!
Easter brunch party