Low-Fat 'Fried' Green Tomatoes ~ Meatless Monday

'Fried' Green Tomatoes ~ My version is very low fat & low cal, it makes a perfect summetime meal since green tomatoes are so plentiful right now.  I enjoy this recipe from now until frost.  As long as there are green tomatoes, I'm cooking/eating this dish.  :) 

Grandma Bunni was raised in the hills of West Virgina, where eating Fried Green Tomatoes was part of her childhood & she made it a part of mine.  I gotta say, I'm a huge fan of Fried Green Tomatoes, but not of the actual 'frying in oil' that goes along with making it.  When the tomatoes are cooked like that, they are really tasty, but they just have too much fat & calories to let me enjoy them with a clear conscience.

Years ago, I came up with a recipe that allowed me to enjoy this meal anytime I want to ~ and my version of 'Fried' Green Tomatoes is low fat & low cal ~ Yes!  With green tomatoes now showing up in our garden, (and in Bill & Cheryl's veggie garden, thanks for all the tomatoes, Neighbors!) as well as at the local Farmers Market, now is the perfect time for enjoying this ol' homestyle, summertime favorite.  Who says you have to wait for your tomatoes to get ripe before you can begin enjoying them...certainly not me!  

Low-Fat 'Fried' Green Tomatoes
serves 1
recipe can be doubled, just use a bigger skillet

  • one medium (or large) green tomato, sliced into 1/4 inch slices
  • 1 Tbsp Italian Style/Spiced bread crumbs *
  • 1 Tbsp cornmeal * (optional, use all bread crumbs if you like)
  • smoked paprika (or regular) ~ for sprinkling on the tomato slices before cooking
  • 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter' Spray ~ for spraying on the tomato slices before cooking (& maybe after, too :)
  • Pam, butter flavored or regular
  • salt & pepper, to taste
  • your favorite hot pepper sauce, to taste

*double the bread crumbs/cornmeal if making a double batch or if your tomato is really big

Heat skillet over medium heat.  Combine Italian bread crumbs & cornmeal and place in small plate for dredging the tomatoes in.

Take the sliced green tomatoes, dredge both sides in the Italian bread crumbs/cornmeal mixture, sprinkle one side with smoked paprika & spray with 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter' Spray.  (there should be enough moisture on the tomato slices for the bread crumb mixture to stick, if not ~ dip the tomato slices in water & then proceed with the dredging)

When the tomatoes are ready, spray the skillet with Pam & lay the tomato slices in a single layer, with the paprika sprinkled side down, so that side cooks first.  Cook for approx. 3 minutes.  While the first side is cooking, sprinkle the top side of the tomatoes with paprika & spray with ICBINB Spray.  When the 3 minutes is over for the first side, flip & cook the other side for an additional 3 minutes or until the green tomatoes are golden & getting softer, but are still a bit firm. (sorta like how pasta cooks to al dente)

Serve the 'Fried' Green Tomatoes with your favorite hot pepper sauce and salt & pepper to taste.  Add some extra ICBINB Spray to the tomatoes, if you're so inclined. (I'm always so inclined, I love that stuff)   I usually make at least 2 or 3 tomatoes for my meal.  I'll eat the first tomato, while the second one is cooking & eat the second one, while the third one is cooking.  Enjoy!

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