Ploughman's Lunch ~ how to enjoy a traditional Pub Lunch at home

Ploughman's Lunch ~ You can create this traditional pub grub meal, no matter where you are.  It's so quick & easy to make at home, so enjoy it today, whatever side of the pond you happen to be on. :)

Now that the Olympics are underway in England ~ millions of people, from all over the world, are watching their favorite sporting events today.  Some people are taking part in all of the excitement from the actual Olympic venues, some from the comfort of their homes and some with the camaraderie of friends & acquaintances at their favorite bars or pubs.  For the next two weeks, all eyes will be on London.

Even though we are over on this side of the pond, today I want to enjoy a meal like I would get in a traditional English pub.  We might not actually be in England with Roy's family, but at least we can eat & drink like we're there with them.

As I was deciding what to make today, I couldn't think of a more authentic British pub meal then a ~ Ploughman's Lunch.  In my opinion, this is the ultimate pub grub.  I enjoyed my first Ploughman's Lunch while on my honeymoon in England.  All of Roy's family went with us to a country pub, somewhere in Kent.  We ate, drank & chatted ~ I was completely smitten with hanging out at an English pub, so very different than going to a bar or pub here in the US.  This casual, tasty meal was just perfect for enjoying while hanging out with family & friends at the pub ~ it's easy to eat while you're chatting, it's easy to share & you don't have to worry about your food getting cold if you want to go & get another beer from the pub landlord (aka barkeep/owner).  Like I said, perfect pub grub.

I've thrown together a platter full of all the foods that make us happy & you can make this today, too.  Just load up a platter full of ~ a loaf of crusty bread/butter, sliced ham, your favorite cheeses (including a good English cheddar if you can find it), Branston Pickle (I LOVE this stuff, or add your favorite chutney or pickled veggies), sliced apples, celery, tomatoes, green onion, hard boiled eggs & whatever else that strikes your fancy.  So, here's what we'll be eating today as we watch all the different sporting events & cheer on the athletes as they try to bring home the gold.  Ready yet, for your Ploughman's Lunch platter & a pint of your favorite English brew?  Yeah, me too!

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