Easy Homemade Fresh Tomato Chutney ~ served on Grilled Bread with Ricotta Cheese & Honey

Easy Homemade Fresh Tomato Chutney ~ served on Grilled Bread with Ricotta Cheese & Honey.  This recipe from ~ Ladies Home Journal ~ is so tasty!  It's such an easy way to showcase the fresh tomatoes of summer.

With all of the homegrown tomatoes that my neighbors, Bill & Cheryl, have so kindly shared with us, I've been on the lookout for unusual recipes to use all the different tomatoes in.   (see my recent post using some of the green tomatoes they gave me ~ here)

After looking around, I found a bunch of recipes in the Aug. 2012 issue of ~ Ladies Home Journal ~ that featured fresh summer tomatoes.  After reading the article & seeing the pictures, I decided I just had to try the recipe for ~ Tomato Chutney with Grilled Bread.

It's a sweet & slightly spicy tomato chutney.  It's perfect with the grilled bread, ricotta cheese & drizzle of honey that the recipe calls for.  But, I think it would be just as good served alone on a regular slice of crusty bread, or when served along side some grilled chicken/steak & maybe even tossed in as part of a pasta salad.  If you don't like the tomato skins in the chutney, just peel to tomatoes & then follow the recipe.  This is my new fall-back recipe to use when I've got some tomatoes that are past their prime, but are still good to eat.  I love having good, basic recipes up my sleeve! (just not smeared all over my sleeve ~ haha)

Thanks for all the red & green tomatoes, Neighbors!  I'm just about out... Care to share a few more?  heehee  :)

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