Chocolate Mint Greek Yogurt ~ great for breakfast or dessert

Chocolate Mint Greek Yogurt ~ I'm still enjoying these candy flavored yogurts for breakfast.  Chocolate first thing in the morning?  Works for me.  :)

I've always been a fan of the candy combo ~ chocolate & mint ~ and York Peppermint Patties were always one of my favorite Halloween treats to get when I was a kid going Trick or Treating.  So, of course I needed to give that candy bar flavor the breakfast-that-eats-like-a-dessert treatment.  Still getting a high protein start to my day, with the antioxidant benefits of the dark cocoa powder. Super easy, really tasty ~ 'nuff said.

Chocolate Mint Greek Yogurt
serves one

  • 1 cup plain fat-free Greek yogurt (or your favorite kind)
  • 1 Tbsp dark cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp mint extract
  • 1 Tbsp chopped carob chips or chocolate chips
  • 4 Equal packets (or sweetener of choice)

Mix all ingredients together & enjoy!


  1. Oh. I was drooling at the Almond Joy, crying with delight at the Crunch Candy Bar recipe, but I'm totally doing this as soon as my yogurt is finished. Totally on board with this one! THANKS!

    1. Hi Tere!
      You gave me the BIGGEST smile reading all your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by & commenting ~ YOU ROCK!! :) Hope you like them!


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