Overnight Oatmeal Cookie Dough Breakfast Cookie

Overnight Oatmeal Cookie Dough Breakfast Cookie ~ An unusual & tasty way to make a breakfast cookie ~ it sets up overnight in the fridge.

I was surfing around the web the other day, looking at other breakfast cookies & came across this recipe for a breakfast cookie that ~ requires no cooking, sets up overnight in the fridge, tastes like oatmeal cookie dough & can be made as either vegan or vegetarian ~ depending on the milk & protein powder you use.  It intrigued me, so I made it that night & enjoyed it for my breakfast the next day.  It's simple to do ~ you mix up all the ingredients the night before, spread the 'dough' on a plate & leave it in the fridge overnight. Easy-peasy.

In the morning you have your breakfast cookie ~ the raw oats absorb all the moisture from the other ingredients & firm up into a 'dough-like' oatmeal cookie.  It sorta reminds me of the containers of 'overnight fridge oats' I used to make years ago, except this version is made on a plate & is more dense & 'dough' like. (the 'overnight fridge oats' have more liquid & add-ins in them)

It's an easy recipe & if you're looking for another unusual way to make your morning oats, I'd give this method a try.  I don't think it's ever too early in the day to enjoy a little 'oatmeal cookie dough'.  How about you?   :)

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