Orange Creamsicle Protein Smoothie

Orange Creamsicle Protein Smoothie ~ a kid flavored spin on one of my favorite childhood ice cream bar flavors ~ the 50/50 Bar.

Today, I wanted a smoothie with an 'old fashioned ice cream flavor'.  A smoothie that reminded me of the frozen treats that I used to enjoy when I was a kid.  Walk with me down memory lane...

I remember it fondly, almost every summer afternoon the ice cream truck would cruise down our street, playing that oh-so-familiar-tune through it's ancient speakers. I'd tear out of the house, change in hand, ready to get in line with all the other kids.  One of my favorite ice creams to order from 'The Ice Cream Man' was an orange flavored frozen treat that was called a  ~ 50/50 Bar.  It had a vanilla ice cream center, surrounded with orange flavored ice.  I thought it was the perfect ice cream on a stick.   I've not seen a frozen treat named like that in many years, but I've seen it called by another name ~ Orange Creamsicle.  Fine by me ~ it's the flavor I'm after, anyway.  My Orange Creamsicle Protein Smoothie has just the flavor I remember AND since I use V8's V-Fusion Juice it has a serving of fruit AND a serving of veggies ~ Oh, yeah!  Here's to being an adult & still enjoying the flavors of the good ol' summertime!  :)

Orange Creamsicle Protein Smoothie 
serves 1 (or maybe 2, if you'll share :)

  • 1 1/2 cup V8's V-Fusion Tropical Orange Juice
  • 1/2 cup vanilla soymilk ~ light or regular
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 Tbsp French vanilla coffee creamer ~ fat free or regular (or a bit more, if you're so inclined ~ I'm usually so inclined :)
  • 1/4 cup banana slices, frozen
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 6 ice cubes
  • 2 packets of Equal (or sweetener of choice)

Throw all ingredients into a blender & whirl away, until smooth & frosty.



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