Hot German Potato Salad ~ Grandma Bunni's

Hot German Potato Salad ~ This is one of my favorite ways to enjoy a potato salad.  It makes a perfect side dish for home or for a potluck & it's also good cold.

I grew up eating Hot German Potato Salad.  Grandma Bunni always made it whenever Grandpa Al asked for it, which was often.  :)   (his parents were German & he loved his German food!)  I really enjoy making this dish whenever we've grown our own potatoes in the backyard.  I always save all the tiny potatoes that we've harvested for what has become a homegrown, veggie harvesting ritual. 

This year, I didn't plant any potatoes (just as well with all of this horribly hot weather & drought, we are under strict watering restrictions), so I've just had to make due with store bought potatoes.  This potato salad makes a great side dish that can be enjoyed anytime of year & it's also good for a potluck.  Enjoy!

 Grandma Bunni's Hot German Potato Salad
  • 4 large red potatoes ~ peeled or unpeeled (or 2 cans of sliced potatoes, drained
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp olive oil 
  • 1 small white onion, diced
  • 1/2 cup diced celery 
  • 1 Tbsp flour
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • 2 Tbsp fresh parsley  (or 1 Tbsp dried parsley)
  • 2 Tbsp Dijon style mustard 
  • 1/2 tsp salt  ~ or to taste
  • 1/4 tsp cracked black pepper ~ or to taste
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1/4 cup cider vinegar
  • 3 Tbsp Hormel Real Bacon Bits
  • 1 tsp melted bacon grease ~ or more, to taste (optional)     FYI ~ I keep a small jar of bacon grease in my freezer, just so I can add a touch to recipes like this.  It gives me the richness & flavor of real bacon when I use bacon bits, without actually having to fry up bacon.  Bacon is a rare treat in this house, so keeping a little grease around is a compromise.  :) 
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add potatoes; cook until tender but still firm, about 15 minutes. Drain, cool and chop.

While the potatoes are cooling ~ Heat oil in skillet, add onions & celery and saute until just tender.

Sprinkle flour, sugar, parsley, salt, and pepper over the cooked onions & celery. Add the cider vinegar, water, mustard & bacon bits and stir all together & cook over medium heat until the dressing is thick.

Gently toss the cooked, chopped potatoes (or the drained, canned sliced potatoes) with the hot bacon dressing & heat through.  Taste & adjust seasoning if necessary.  Enjoy!



  1. Looks good! Going to try this with reubens tonight. Your new neighbors told me about this site (I'm their daughter!)

    1. Hi, so nice to meet you! Hope you like the potato salad, it's a favorite around here. Your parents are wonderful, we couldn't have asked for nicer neighbors! We ate some of your brothers corn with our dinner tonight, fresh picked from the field. It was SOOO good. I just love fresh picked sweet corn, I'm so glad his crop made it through this drought. :)

    2. My brother the farmer :) The potato salad was good, even warmed up the next day with sauerkraut!

    3. So glad you enjoyed it. I LOVE sauerkraut, it's been awhile since I've had some... OK, now I've got a craving! Pork Chops with Sauerkraut & Apples, ahh I remember that dish well. I'll have to do something about that tomorrow. Thanks for the dinner idea. :)


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