Fresh Three Bean Salad ~ OK, it's got 4 beans, but who's counting! :)

Fresh Three Bean Salad ~ (OK, I guess I made it into a Four Bean Salad, but who's counting anyway...) The green/wax beans, red bell peppers & onions were picked fresh from the garden.  I followed ~ this  recipe ~ & added both kidney & garbanzo beans, so my salad went from being a 3 to a 4 bean salad.  The more the merrier, I always say!

We are lucky to have a community garden in our little town.  A local church plants a HUGE garden on their property & welcomes everyone to harvest whatever they like, whenever they like ~ it's their way of giving back to the community.  It's such a kind & gracious thing for them to do.  Sadly, hardly anyone takes them up on their generous offer.  I go by there when I take my walk & I often come home with goodies.  I've gathered many baskets of produce over the years & I always take pictures to show what wonderful things I bring home. 

J enjoys coming along some evenings & helps me search for the veggies that are ready to pick.

The Community Garden Corn Field was hard hit by the drought this year, but, we were still able to find a half dozen ears to bring home & enjoy.  Lucky for us, our neighbors also have a sweet corn field that was planted later than other local fields & it's producing well, so we will still be able to get local sweet corn.  :)   (and I mean REALLY local corn ~ I can see the corn field out my back window!)  I'll be posting pictures & recipes using their corn soon.

 Just a little ~ slice 'o' country life ~ in our semi-rural, Midwestern town.  :)


  1. That salad looks very yum! How amazing that no-one uses that fab vege garden! I made "mince and taties" last night ! TFS!

    1. Ever since I was a kid, I've just loved a 3 bean salad. Making it homemade is so much tastier than canned. The community garden is so cool. It also amazes me that so few use it. Not really sure why that is. At first I just took a little bit, but I would see so much going to waste ~ just falling to the ground or withering on the vine ~ that I started bringing home as much as I could use in 2-3 days. Then I would go back & pick some more. I cook a lot of different stuff, so some days I took a lot, having so much fresh produce really allows you to get creative in the kitchen. ;) So glad to hear you liked the Mince & Tatties ~ it's a favorite around here, especially during the winter. Thanks so much for stopping by & commenting ~ Cheers! :)


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