Fresh Picked Sweet Corn ~ eating local, real local

Fresh Picked Sweet Corn~ Simply prepared.  Just boiled quickly & spread with butter ~ a little sprinkling of salt & pepper is all it needs.  Sometimes the simple things in life ~ and in the kitchen ~ are the best!

Living in a semi-rural area has its advantages.  We're still close (about 15 minutes) to all the things a larger town has to offer, while still having the advantages of living in a quiet, small town.  Take, for example, fresh summer veggies.  I've already posted about the Community Garden that is just up the road from us & how we can harvest from it whenever we like.  Now, I want to show you another cool thing that is just across the street & down a little ways from our house.  It's so close I can see it from my upstairs window...

One of our neighbors is a Gentleman-Farmer.  He & his family have a small crop of sweet corn that is producing the most amazingly tender, sweet corn I've ever had. It's such a treat to be able to know exactly where your food is coming from & how well it's cared for. 

Talk about a low carbon footprint, how about no footprint ~ except for a barefoot one... We've had the fresh picked corn delivered by the 'farmer's daughter', pulled in her wagon. We've walked over & bought it from the 'honor' table that's setup in front of the field.  Sometimes, we buy it 5 minutes after it's been picked & it's on the dinner table within the hour.  Talk about fast food!   J & I have even gone over & helped with the picking & shucking.  It's hard work pickin' corn & taking a break is all part of it.  :) 

I was going to do a bunch of posts on corn recipes, but to be honest, I like it best cooked simply.  This corn is so very sweet & tender, it seems a shame to do anything to it but give it a quick dunk in boiling water & then eat it on the cob, with a nice coating of butter & a little salt and pepper.  It's wonderful, just the way it is.  Why mess with perfection?

I'll come up with some fresh sweet corn recipes to share ~ but not today.  Today, I'm savoring the simple joy of eating simply prepared food, in our quiet, semi-rural Midwest town.  :)


  1. Hi Vicki,
    One other great use for that yummy sweet corn would be corn and black bean salsa!!! With canned yellow and white corn it is delicious so I imagine that fresh sweet corn would only kick that up a big notch! Take any leftover, boiled corn, off the cob until you have about 3 - 4 cups. Mix with one drained and rinsed can of black beans, one fresh diced avocado (a firm one works best) and about a half a cup of chopped cilantro. Dressing: 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 6 Tbsp of Lime Juice, 2 tsp. sugar, chopped garlic equivalent to 1-2 small cloves to suit your taste. Pour the dressing over your chopped ingredients, mix it around and let it marinate overnight. I add salt to taste the next day and then watch it disappear on tortilla chips. This recipe is thanks to the ladies over at YUM!!

    1. Oooo! That sounds really good, I love salsa!! You'll be seeing that salsa on the blog real soon. :) Thanks so much for sharing it with me * Cheers!


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