Chicken Tenders with Marsala Glazed Mushrooms

We love mushrooms in this house ~ any kind, any size ~ & in just about every kind of meal.  One of my favorite ways to cook mushrooms is sauteed with a little wine.  When I want to cook with wine, I just choose one that suits my mood ~  white, red, Marsala, Madeira, Vermouth, Port or Sherry ~ and/or my recipe.  Before you get concerned, just let me say ~ I don't have a drinking problem, I have a cooking problem ~ and I like to tinker in the kitchen.  :)   A well stocked liquor cabinet is just part of my kitchen arsenal & since fortified wines last a long time, I always have some handy.  The red & white wines don't keep well once opened, so I usually only use those wines if we are also going to enjoy the rest of the bottle with dinner.  (OK, and maybe a glass of wine before dinner, while doing the cooking :)

This time I was surfing the net, looking for a recipe to use my Marsala wine in.  I came across this recipe for Marsala Glazed Mushrooms & just had to give it a try.  Just let me say ~ It Is Awesome!  The recipe is straight forward, easy & pretty quick.  For this meal I paired the glazed mushrooms with chicken tenders & steamed veggies.  These tasty mushrooms would also be great with steak, turned into an upscale vegetarian mushroom quesadilla, served along side a pork tenderloin, stuffed into an omelet, terrific over tofu & especially when piled high on a burger.  I think they would turn a regular hamburger into a gourmet mushroom burger ~ for hardly any extra effort at all.  With so many different ways to enjoy the wine glazed mushrooms, no wonder we all love mushrooms so much around here!

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