Salisbury Steak with Beef & Mushroom Gravy

Salisbury Steak with Beef & Mushroom Gravy ~ good ol' homestyle cooking, that's still as good today, as it was way back when.  This was Roy's plate, he had to wait until I took the picture ~ poor hubby!  The meat is hiding under all that tasty beef gravy, so full of fresh mushrooms.  He said it was worth the wait ~ Yum!

When I need to make a quick meal, one that I'm sure everyone will enjoy, I know I can always count on ~ Salisbury Steak.  It was a meal I always enjoyed as a kid.  I know this budget friendly recipe has been around for decades ~ no, make that eons.  :)   I like the idea of still making it for my family today, just like Grandma Bunni did for ours, all those years ago.  It always gives me the warm fuzzies to think of how food that has been enjoyed by our family, for decades, can still be enjoyed today.  Across time & space, recipes link the generations.

I throw together my version of  ~ Grandma Bunni's Salisbury Steak ~ just like she did.  She didn't have a recipe, per se, she did it all by memory & using what was needing used up. The Salisbury Steak always started out with... 

Grandma Bunni's Salisbury Steak
makes 4~5 servings
  • one pound of lean ground beef
  • 1 egg
  • a shot of Worcestershire sauce
  • a handful of bread crumbs
  • a few rings of onion, chopped & some spices...

but from there it could include anything that she thought would be a good addition, like...
  • a little sherry
  • some canned green Ortega chiles
  • some chopped, stewed tomatoes
  • or maybe some minced garlic 
Then it would get all mixed up together, be shaped into 4 or 5 oval patties & then cooked in a skillet with a little oil.  While the meat was cooking, in a separate pan she'd make the beef & mushroom gravy.  When the meat was finished being cooking/drained, she'd pour the gravy over the meat & let it all simmer together for a few minutes, then it was ready to serve.

Grandma Bunni would make her beef & mushroom gravy from scratch, like so many cooks from her generation did, but I always just use Bisto Beef Gravy.  I'll add either some canned mushrooms or fresh, sauteed ones to the prepared gravy.   I'll serve the dinner with whatever veggies/sides I have handy.  I found this recipe, that says it's from a Weight Watchers Salisbury Steak recipe, that sounds really quick & easy.  I think I'll give it a try myself, next time I make this meal.  I always like to try out new recipes, especially when it gets such good reviews from other cooks.  :)

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