Kosher Dill Pickled Green Tomatoes

Kosher Dill Pickled Green Tomatoes ~ such an easy way to enjoy all of the abundance of green tomatoes ~ either now (early in the growing season) or in the late fall (when the frost is coming).  They are a unique & tasty change from cucumber pickles.

I've always loved dill cucumber pickles, so making dill green tomatoes was the next logical step for me.  With the abundance of homegrown green tomatoes in mid summer, I'm all about using them in different & unique recipes.  Who says you have to wait until a tomato is ripe before you can enjoy it?  Not me!  This is also a good recipe for the fall, no need to waste the green tomatoes that won't ripen before a coming frost, just turn them into pickles.  This is such a great way to keep the garden goodness going all season long.

The first picture is from when I first started the 'green tomato pickles' & the last two pictures are from when the 'pickles' were ready to eat, two weeks later.  The color changes as they sit in the dill brine.  The dill flavor really develops & is amazing!  So, next time you are looking for a recipe to use up some of those green tomatoes that are just hanging around in your garden, or that you find at a farmers market, why not give this recipe a try.  No boiling required, you just let them sit in the brine in the fridge ~ two weeks later, they're ready to enjoy.  Easy-peasy! 

Two weeks later & you've got Kosher Dill Pickled Green Tomatoes!

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