Farm Fresh Eggs ~ as close as a little backyard farm

Grilled Pork Chops & a Little Bessie egg for brunch ~ this is the perfect way to enjoy one of these fantastic eggs!
Little Bessie
When I need fresh eggs, I most often get them from my friend, Misty.  She & her family have a flock of chickens & whenever I need a dozen eggs, I just give her a call & the next day I pick up some of the freshest eggs this girl has ever had the pleasure to eat.  They are always extra large & are full of rich flavor ~ & nothing like the ones you get at the market.

One of Misty's best egg layers is a little chicken by the name of Little Bessie.  Now, Little Bessie doesn't act like a regular chicken ~ she acts like a pet  & because of her sweet personality, she is treated just like one of the family.  She gets some special privileges & enjoys roaming around with the family when they are in the yard, following whoever happens to be out in the yard with her.  She's also been known to roost on a lap, if one becomes available.  This is one people-person chicken!

Little Bessie & Misty's dog, Able ~ hanging out together in the backyard

a Little Bessie vs. Ex-large egg
one egg with double yolks
Now,  Little Bessie is smaller than all of the other hens & is a bit scrawnier than the other hens ~ but, man, can that chicken lay some H-U-G-E eggs.  I'm not talking big, I'm talking ginormous!!  I've never seen eggs this big & how this little hen does it, just amazes me.  She doesn't always lay them this big, but when she does & if we happen to get one, we are thrilled.  They have double yolks & it's fun to crack one open ~ it's like winning the egg lottery! 

Whenever we know we're getting a double yolk egg, we cook it simply.  With a rare treat like this, why would you make it any other way?  Usually I make the egg Sunny Side Up, just so I can see the twin yolks, in all their bright, yellow glory.  Just one of her double yolk eggs, literally takes up the entire plate.  All I can say is ~ Wow!

Rare double yolk hard boiled egg...
I did decide to hard boil one the other day.  I was curious as to what a hard boiled, double yolk egg would look like & here it is...  How cool is that?

Eggs are a big part of ~ Phase One ~ of the Fat Flush Plan Diet.  I go back on the two week, Phase One, part of the diet from time to time ~ just to get back on track.  With the ability to get such fresh & well cared for eggs, it makes eating my breakfast eggs or hard boiled egg snacks, such a pleasure.

Thanks for all the fresh eggs Misty & of course you too, Little Bessie!

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