Homemade Natural Fruit Juice 'Soda' ~ Izze Copycat

When I was shopping for groceries the other day, another mom and I got to talking and started sharing our favorite quick recipes. She told me about her kids favorite 'healthy soda' recipe, a copycat version of the natural soda brand, 'Izze'. Since that brand can be a bit pricey, her inexpensive version sounded right up my alley. It's as simple as can be to make this tasty drink ~ just make a 70/30 split combo of sparkling water/fruit juice. Easy-Peasy. I make it using frozen fruit juice stirred into the sparkling water ~ about 2-3 Tbsp frozen juice to 8 oz. sparkling water. Since I like to use the frozen juice concentrate, I can make a different flavor each time without committing to just one bottle of fruit juice taking up a lot of fridge space. Served over ice and we're all happy... and my wallet is SUPER happy, too. Gotta love that!  :)

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