Trina's Homemade Strawberry Jam Secrets

Photo courtesy of Trina Schneider Photography
My friend, Trina, recently shared a mouth watering picture of her homemade strawberry jam, bubbling away on her stove... as well as her secret for perfect strawberry jam.  "The secret to great strawberry jam - Oxnard strawberries and a tablespoon of butter in the mix."

Too bad we all don't have access to fresh-picked, California roadside farm stand, still-warm-from-the-field, strawberries.  No worries, it'll just take a little extra effort to find our own 'local picked' strawberries. Maybe we'll have to search for local strawberries at a Farmers Market... or maybe, we'll just head out to our home garden and harvest them from the strawberry patch... or maybe, even go to a local 'pick your own' strawberry patch. Whichever way we go, local berries always taste so much sweeter, and I think they're worth the bit of extra effort to search them out.

Trina, thanks so much for sharing your strawberry jam tips.  I just love hearing about other people's little kitchen secrets!

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