BBQ Glazed Sweet Apple Chicken Sausages with Veggies

I didn't have a clue for what to make for dinner the night I threw together this tasty meal.  So, I dug around the fridge and found a pack of my favorite Trader Joe's chicken sausages...but only the Sweet Apple flavor, not the Sun-Dried Tomato that I usually use.  Hmmm...  I'd never used that flavor for dinner before, only at breakfast since the Sweet Apple is a bit, well, sweet (in a maple/apple-flavored breakfast-y sort of way).  I decided to try them since they're fully-cooked and just need to be heated through.  I rummaged around a bit more and came up with the rest of the ingredients, for this meal-on-the-fly.

So, into my hot wok went some ~ EVOO, chopped apple, onions and bell peppers.   When they were getting nice and caramelized, I threw in the large chunks of sliced sausage, and I cooked it all together until the sausages started to get a nice, golden brown caramel color too.  Then I drizzled in a little of my favorite Bull's-Eye BBQ Sauce and gave it a good toss,  just until it was all nicely glazed with the sauce.  Then I plonked it on a plate with a variety of steamed veggies...and dinner was served.  Dinner on the table in about 15 minutes...not too bad for not having a mealtime game plan when I walked into the kitchen that night.  When you can find enough stuff to throw a meal together quick, forget about takeout.   :)

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