David's Home Baked Bread with 'Chocolate Gravy'

My nephew, David, likes to make this fun, sweet treat ~ Home Baked Bread with 'Chocolate Gravy' ~ for his sons.  A while back he mentioned it on Facebook, and he continues to tease us with photos whenever he makes it. When I asked him where he got the inspiration from, this is what he shared with me ~ I had heard about this many years ago. I looked at a few recipes online and then made my own. :)

I just love it when a certain food inspires you make it, even if it takes you years to get around to it.  It just goes to show... When the timing is right, the kitchen magic happens.  :)  Thanks for sharing your recipe, David!

David's Home Baked Bread with 'Chocolate Gravy'


For the Home Baked Bread...
  • use one box of of your favorite Beer Bread mix, made according to the box instructions, BUT substituting Sprite for the beer
For the 'Chocolate Gravy'...  
  • 3 tablespoons Ghirardelli 100% cocoa
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • 1 cup milk
  • pinch of salt
In a large sauce pan combine cocoa, flour, and sugar. Add hot water and cook over low heat until dissolved.  Stir constantly.  Once completely combined, stir in milk and salt.  Continue stirring until it becomes thick.  You now have your ole 'Chocolate Gravy'. To serve ~ just slice the bread & dunk.  Enjoy!

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