Chicken & Veggie Stir-Fry with Hemp Hearts Seeds

Hemp Hearts Seeds were the perfect addition to my Chicken & Veggie Stir-Fry dinner.  I just sprinkled them over the dish, right before serving.

Hemp Hearts ~ from Manitoba Harvest
I always wanted to try hemp seeds, but never had. Something about eating hemp seeds just didn't sound right to me.  But, I kept seeing articles about the benefits of this 'superfood'...and if it's good enough for Oprah to give it a thumbs-up, there must be something to them. They are a bit pricey, so I didn't want to commit to buying a big bag, just in case I didn't like them. Finally, I found a small packet of Hemp Hearts, raw shelled hemp seeds, over at Whole Foods, so I decided to give them a try. 

I must say, I'm so very happy that I did!  The flavor of the seeds is fantastic, they have a delicate, little 'crunch' and have a rich, 'nutty' quality that I really enjoy.  I think they're just as good eaten out of hand, as they are sprinkled over any recipe you are so inclined to add them to.  If you're like I was, on the fence about eating hemp seeds, why not give them a try?  I hope I come across a sample of Hemp Milk sometime...I'd like to try that hemp product, too.  At least for now, I've got a new tasty treat to add to my pantry staples.  Yay!!  :)

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