Summer-Day Pasta ~ A Snob In The Kitchen

Back-Story on this adapted recipe 
I recently started another food blog ~ Cooking with A Snob In The Kitchen.  This new specialty blog is just going to be for the recipes that I make from the little known, 1967 cookbook, A Snob In The Kitchen.  It's a charming vintage cookbook written by the iconic Italian fashion designer, Simonetta.  Her life story is quite amazing and worth getting to know about.

Since her cookbook is about as scarce as hen's teeth to get a hold of, I thought I'd corral all of the posts I do on her recipes in one place.  (just in case someone wants to search for her cookbook recipes & because I thought it would be fun) I'll also share my adapted versions of Simonetta's recipes on WWIE.  I invite you to link on over to my new blog ~ Cooking with A Snob In The Kitchen to see how I became infatuated with Simonetta, and also to find some additional links to some interesting articles about her life.  Hope you enjoy these vintage recipes as much as I know I'll have cooking and eating them!

Summer-Day Pasta 
serves 2-3
adapted from the ~ A Snob In The Kitchen recipe ~ Summer-Day Spaghetti & the 1967 newspaper article on the NYC cookbook launch at Bergdorf Goodman
  • 1/2 Tbsp EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
  • 1/2 Tbsp butter
  • 6 anchovies fillets
  • 1 medium white onion, chopped
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • ** (keep the used, juiced lemon half for adding to the pasta cooking water)
  • 1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
  • 6 Tbsp fat free evaporated milk
  • 8 oz of dry pasta (I used a spinach & chive linguine from Trader Joe's)
  • salt/pepper ~ to taste
  • *Optional goodies*
  • 1 Tbsp EVOO for dressing the pasta before serving
  • freshly grated Parmesan cheese
  • crushed red pepper flakes
  • extra parsley for garnish 

Place olive oil, butter and anchovies in pan, cook over medium heat.  Mash anchovies with the back of a spoon until they break apart.  When hot, add the chopped onions, cook until they are soft and starting to become translucent.  Add the lemon juice and parsley, stir and continue to cook over a low heat for 5 minutes.  Stir in the evaporated milk, do not let it boil.  (when ready to toss the onion/anchovy mixture with the cooked pasta, add a little extra evaporated milk if it needs a little thinning out)

Cook the pasta according to package directions in a large pot, adding the reserved used lemon half to the boiling water.  When the pasta is al dente, drain, return to the pot, & toss with a little EVOO (if using).  Toss the onion/anchovy mixture with the pasta, add salt/pepper to taste.  Garnish with the Parmesan cheese, red pepper flakes and parsley.  Enjoy!

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