Homemade Peanut Butter

For the last two weeks, I've been working on 'cleaning out' my pantry.  I tend to keep it well stocked, but that sometimes leads to food items that hang around past their prime.  (sometimes you can't see the cans through, well, the cans :)   So, I've been having an interesting time trying to use up all the items and have been getting creative with our meals and side dishes ~ to put it kindly.  Today I found a couple of bags of dry roasted peanuts, stashed waaaaay in the back, and they called out to me.  Since I was almost out of peanut butter, I decided I might as well try making my own.  

I found this Homemade Peanut Butter recipe, over at the Food Network site, and gave it a try.  Other than shelling the peanuts (what a boring and messy chore), it was simple to make and tasty to eat.  If you ever find yourself with some extra peanuts hanging around, this might be the recipe for you.  It's a kid friendly recipe, too bad J was in school when I made it.  I must say, it's really nice to know exactly what's in your peanut butter and depending on how long you blend it, you can make it as creamy or chunky as you like.   Not to mention, this homemade version has nothing in it that I can't pronounce.  Only ~  peanuts, honey, salt and oil.  Real time cooking in my kitchen today.  :)

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