Coconut Fakin' "Bacon" ~ Meatless Monday

I recently read a blog post about making coconut "bacon", over on the blog ~ Hungry Hungry Hippie.  I was instantly intrigued and went right out to get some coconut flakes.  I made a batch and was happy with the results.  The coconut "bacon" had a flavor that really did have a similar taste to crispy bacon.  It worked great sprinkled over salad, added to a sandwich and eaten right out of hand.  You get a bit of coconut flavor, but only if you really try to 'taste' it.  

Next time I make it I'll increase the amount of seasoning, that way it will have a bigger 'bacon' taste.  I think I'll also add some McCormick's Smokehouse Maple seasoning to the mix, for an extra layer of 'smoky' flavor.  The coconut flakes go from pale-to-dark pretty quick, so keep a close eye on it while it's in the oven.  Thinking outside traditional bacon usage, this might be a fun twist for topping a chocolate cupcake.  Chocolate and Coconut Fakin' Bacon together? ~ YUM!  What do you think?  :)   Happy Meatless Monday!

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