37 Calorie Brownie

I saw a post on Facebook the other day that really got my attention.  It showed a glorious photo of low calorie,  decadent looking brownies.   Oooooo, both Roy & I were instantly smitten!  I made them today and thought I'd share how they turned out.  Sorry to say, this challenged baker couldn't make it work ~ it was a bust.  Even with doctoring them up after they came out of the oven, neither Roy nor I would eat them.  I read through the comments of the post, and it appears quite a few people had the same problem I did.  The brownies did not rise at all, and they were on the bitter side.  On the flip side, other readers just loved them.  I don't know what went wrong.  It was such a shame, I had such high hopes.   I had all the ingredients called for, so I didn't have to make a special trip to the market to make them, but it's still sad to have to throw them out ~ I just hate wasting food.  If anyone who reads this has made them & had success, please share your secret to getting it to work.  For now, I think I'll just stick to my Trader Joe's low cal brownie mix.  You win some.  You lose some.  Real-time baking in my kitchen today.  :)

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