Watermelon Salsa

Today, we have been enjoying the first day of Fall.  What a beauty it was!!  The sky was such a lovely shade of blue, the air was crisp, the breeze was light and the temps were mild.  The windows were open to capture the fresh scent of the new season, and I was out and about on the bike path that runs through our little town.  All-in-all, it was a wonderful day.  :)

When I got back from my late afternoon bike ride, I made an unusual,  Watermelon Salsa for a little treat.  I used this recipe from the Eating Well site.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was such an unexpected spin on salsa.  It was really nice with chips, but I think it would be a perfect topping for grilled chicken or pork, too.

Later on, just before the sun was almost ready to set, as I was working on tonight's blog post, I kept hearing the sounds of hot air balloons overhead.  Since we live just a block off the lake, we often see and hear balloons going by in the summer evenings...but this time, they sounded somehow CLOSER.  I glanced out my bedroom window and this time I was almost eye-to-eye with one.  These balloons were REALLY close ~ like not very much higher than our 2-story house ~ close.  I swear I could have almost touched them. (OK, maybe I exaggerate a little bit, but not much!)  So, I had to include the pics of the pretty balloons.  We weren't the only neighbors outside watching the balloons go by...and hoping that they made it over the high power lines.  I'm sure they were up a lot higher than they seemed, but hanging out my upstairs window to take pictures, they seemed not much higher up than I was.  :)   

This shot was taken about 5 minutes after I took the photo above.  The balloon on the far left was the last one to go by; there is another one hiding just out of site behind one of the big trees & the far right balloon was climbing fast.  I'm guessing they were getting down close to the water on the lake & going back up.  Sorta like touch-&-goes.  The way the high power tension lines and the balloons were set up, it looked almost like notes on a page of sheet music.   :)  What a way to usher in the first day of Fall!
Happy Autumn!

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