Threaded Hot Dog & Spaghetti Bites (a.k.a. ~ Spiders or Jellyfish or Octopus or Squid Dog Spaghetti Bites)

I keep seeing versions of this Threaded Hot Dog & Spaghetti Bites recipe floating around Pinterest, and decided I finally had to try making them in my kitchen.  This simple recipe is a snap to do, and little hands make for the perfect kitchen assistant.

My son, J, was totally on board with this meal.  He had a blast stabbing the uncooked spaghetti noodles through the cut up hot dog 'bites'...

...maybe a little too much fun.  :)

He watched the entire cooking process and was amazed as this fun-to-make recipe changed appearance and texture. We couldn't decide if our weird creations looked more like spiders...or jellyfish...or maybe even a little like an octopus or squid.  Whatever they were, they sure gave us the giggles.  J gobbled down his plateful of happy food really quick, and was back for seconds in no time flat.  Actually, we all enjoyed this kid-friendly meal...sometimes you just gotta play with your food.  :)


  1. Yes...we call these "squid dogs" at our house! A mealtime staple since my oldest was 2.5!! He's now 7.5 and loves that he has this "recipe" memorized!! ;)

    1. Hi Sarah!
      Sorry for the delay in replying, we've been away on a fall break vacation. I love your name, 'squid dogs'! I updated my post to include that name, too. Thanks for sharing your name for them. Hope your son likes seeing his name for for these fun & tasty goodies included. Thanks for stopping by & commenting ~ Cheers!


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