Savory & Sweet French Picnic Cake ~ inspired by a recipe from 'The Little Paris Kitchen' cookbook

Not too long ago, I checked out a copy of the cookbook ~ The Little Paris Kitchen ~ from our local library.   It's a charming cookbook that was written by a Brit named ~ Rachel Khoo ~ who now lives in Paris.  I truly enjoyed reading about all the back stories on the recipes, how the cookbook came to be, as well as looking at all the beautiful photos of Rachel out-and-about in Paris.  Yeah, I'm one of those people, one who reads cookbooks like other people read novels.  :)

One of her recipes that called out to me was for a savory, yet slightly sweet, 'picnic cake' called ~ Sausage, Pistachio & Prune Cake.  I know it sounds kinda odd, but after reading her comments about it, I just had to make it in my kitchen, too.   I tinkered with the recipe just a bit... I cut the oil in half by using water to replace half the oil (with no loss of flavor or moisture); I used chopped ham, bell pepper and onion instead of the amount of salami called for; I replaced 1/3 cup of wheat flour with soy flour, to get a little more protein in the cake; skipped the nuts; and I only used half of the amount of chopped dried plums (I like calling them that instead of prunes, prunes just sounds so ~ ugh! :)   The cake came out with a beautiful golden crust and was excellent.  Roy thought it was like eating a quiche, but in a slightly sweet, cake/loaf form...and I'd have to agree.  We enjoyed it for a light lunch, with a garden salad and fresh fruit.  I also had it for breakfast the next day, too ~ Yummy!  Even my son liked it.  He was a bit hesitant at first, but after a few bites he really got into it and promptly asked for seconds.  So, if you're looking to do a little foodie armchair traveling, give this book or recipe a try ~ Bon Appétit!


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