Cabbage Soup ~ Grandma Bunni's family favorite

Grandma Bunni's Cabbage Soup ~ A super easy & really tasty soup that's simple to make.  A wonderful soup for the chilly nights of autumn.
As I was going through an old cookbook of Grandma Bunni's, I came across her recipe for ~ Cabbage Soup.  It's a simple & easy to prepare soup that is full of the flavors I remember from my childhood.   It just so happens, a few weeks ago J & I found some late season cabbages to harvest over at the Community Garden.  This recipe was the perfect way to use them!

When I was cooking this soup, its aroma filled the kitchen & I was taken back, probably 20+ years, to the last time I enjoyed a bowl of this comforting homemade soup.  I'm so glad that I found Grandma Bunni's old Cabbage Soup recipe & I'm looking forward to finding other recipes of hers.  I have a habit of stashing recipes (those written on slips of paper) in random cookbooks & it seems she did the same thing, too.

Who knows what, where and/or when I'll find the next recipe of hers.  Let me just say, I get such a kick out of sharing old family recipes, it makes my heart happy.  Grandma Bunni is now gone, but it's like she's still in the kitchen with me when I use her old, handwritten recipes... and I like that, I like it a lot. :)

Grandma Bunni's Cabbage Soup
a big soup pot full

  • 1 pound lean ground beef ~ cooked, drained & crumbled
  • 1 28 oz. can diced/chopped tomatoes, with juice
  • 1 tomato can of water
  • 1/2 medium cabbage, chopped
  • 1 16 oz. can of kidney beans with juice (or your favorite kind)
  • 2 stalks celery, chopped
  • 4 beef bouillon cubes
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp garlic salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper

Brown beef, then add remaining ingredients to a big soup pot.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover & simmer for one hour.  Stir occasionally.  Taste before serving & adjust seasonings as needed.  As I remember it, we used to eat this will lots of fresh bread & butter.  Enjoy! 


  1. Vicki thanks for posting this ... I love my Grandma's recipes too. We love cabbage and with the cold weather here this is another great soup to be making ! Hope to be trying it out soon. Thanks.

    1. Cindy ~ Hope you like it. You're right, this weather is perfect for this type of soup. Grandma Bunni was a great cook & everyone always enjoyed her cooking. Grandma recipes are the best!

  2. I don't remember if my grandmother ever made cabbage soup or not ... so thank you for sharing the memory or your own grandmother.
    my grandmother has been on my mind today.... after I realized the date .... it has been 50 years today that she passed away.
    since I don't have any of her recipes..... I think I may make this soup in honor of all grandmothers :-)

    1. Jan ~ You brought a tear to my eye, thanks for sharing your story with me. :) What a happy coincidence that I posted & you read the Cabbage Soup post today. Grandma Bunni was a great cook & I'm looking forward to sharing more of her recipes as I come across them. I have all of her old cookbooks & always enjoy looking through them, especially when I find handwritten recipes tucked away.

      I actually save some of the cards & postcards that I get & use them for bookmarks in my cookbooks/books that I keep. I sometimes find one that she sent me & it always makes me smile. It might be 10-25 years ago that the note was sent, but finding one randomly is a secret pleasure of mine. Then I tuck it away again, until the next time.

      Hope you like the soup. I'm going to add a separate tag to all the posts that have a recipe of hers in it, so if you'd like to see other recipes of hers it'll be easier to find. I already have a label for ~ recipes from family & friends. Thanks so much for stopping by & commenting. You've made my day ~ Cheers! ~ Cheers!


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