Trader Joe's Chicken Sausage with Simmered Veggies

Trader Joe's Chicken Sausage with Simmered Veggies ~ I always keep a selection of sausages in my freezer, that way I always have a flavor that will suit my mood. 

When I want to make a quick dinner & am feeling a bit uninspired, I'll often make a pot of simmered veggies & throw in some Trader Joe's Chicken Sausages.  I always keep a few different flavored  sausages in my freezer, just for nights like this.  I place all my chopped veggies in a large pot - cover them with broth, some herbs/spices & sometimes a splash of wine.  If the sausages are frozen solid, I add them at the same time as the veggies - but if they're thawed, I'll add them when the veggies are cooked about 3/4's of the way through.  

In about half an hour, we're eating a meal that always hits the spot.  Sometimes we eat it as a 'soup' & fill the bowl with sausages, veggies & broth.  Other times we eat just the sausages & veggies, covered with Bisto gravy.  On those days, I'll usually chop up any leftovers, add it all back to the cooking broth & add some canned beans or any odds and ends in the fridge.  It makes for a nice pot of soup for the next day's lunch.  Waste not, want not.   :)

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