Sarah's Garlicky Pumpkin Kale Soup

Garlicky Pumpkin Kale Soup ~ This easy & simple to make soup is perfect for making on Halloween night.  To me, pumpkins & garlic (right now I'm thinking about Jack 'o' Lanterns, Headless Horseman & Dracula-repellent garlic necklaces :)  REALLY go together on a night like this.  Make this soup up ahead of time & keep some bubbling away on the stove.  That way it's ready to warm the bones/bodies of any stray witches, werewolves, ghosts or ghouls that might be coming your way.  Of course, the vampires might just pass on having a bowl...  :)  heehee

My friend, Sarah, told me about a really great sounding soup she made last night ~ Garlicky Pumpkin Kale Soup.  She cooked this soup with what she had on hand & this is how she said she made it...

"It was improvised, but basically I added leftover sauteed garlicky kale to a simple pumpkin soup made from roasted "Cheese pumpkin", cooked onion, chicken stock and salt/pepper."

Cool, I can work with that.   I made a similar version of her soup today, adapting the recipe to use what I had available in the kitchen.  Luckily for me, there was some kale in the fridge & some canned pumpkin in the pantry, so off I went to concoct my own pumpkin/garlic brew.  (Ahh... I mean soup :)   Since I was using canned pumpkin puree, I decided to add a few drops of Liquid Smoke, just to sorta mimic the flavor you get when roasting veggies.  This soup is quick, comforting & really yummy.  I'll be making this tasty soup all autumn/winter long - it's that good.   Sarah, thanks so much for sharing another great recipe!  You ROCK!  :)

Sarah's Garlicky Pumpkin Kale Soup
makes a cauldron full...  :)

  • 6 cups chicken broth
  • 1 large 29 oz. can pureed pumpkin
  • 1 bunch kale ~ rinsed well, veins removed & leaves chopped into bite sized pieces
  • 1/2 medium onion, diced
  • 2 -3 cloves garlic, minced ~ or more, to taste
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • few drops of liquid smoke (or to taste, optional
  • salt & pepper ~ to taste

Heat olive oil in non-stick pan, over medium heat.  Add the onion & garlic.  Cook a few minutes until onion is translucent & the garlic is fragrant, then add the prepared kale and saute for a few more minutes, until the kale is wilted.   Stir often so it doesn't burn.

Then add chicken stock and pumpkin puree  Stir well and bring soup to a frisky, bubbling simmer.  Allow to dance away, for a few minutes, to heat through.  When ready to serve,  add salt/pepper to taste, ladle up a big bowlful & enjoy!

Happy Halloween!

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