Quick English Muffin Pizza

Quick English Muffin Pizza ~ this is a favorite in our house.  It's perfect for when you have to have a meal on the table quick & nothing but pizza will do.  Great for kids & grown-up kids, alike.  :)

J really likes his pizza, but sometimes we don't have the time to bake one from the freezer ~ especially when he wants to eat now!  Waiting for the oven to warm up & then waiting for the pizza to bake, just will not do!  For times like this, I'll often make a Quick English Muffin Pizza.  J just can't resist helping to make his own personal sized pizzas & who can blame him.  It's fun.

I always keep some leftover spaghetti sauce in the freezer, in small bags, just for these occasions.  I'll thaw it out & use it as the 'pizza sauce', giving the split English muffin a thick coating of sauce.  Anything that's in the fridge is fair game as far as the toppings go.  In this picture, I used some leftover, cooked ground beef, with a bit of Italian herbs & some Parmesan cheese.  Just give it a quick spin in the microwave & pizza is served!

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