Almond Meal Truffle Cookies

Almond Meal Truffle Cookies ~ a spin on the Almond Flour Frosted Sugar Cookie recipe over on the blog, Detoxinista.

I found an interesting recipe for an Almond Flour Frosted Sugar Cookie, over on the blog ~ Detoxinista.  Her cookie only has five ingredients & can be eaten with or without icing.  She used almond flour in place of flour, softened coconut oil instead of butter & raw honey instead of sugar.  It sounding intriguing, so I decided to give it a go.

Only thing was, I didn't have some of (OK, most of) the 5 ingredients, so I used what I had.  I used ~ almond meal instead of almond flour; Brummel & Brown Spread instead of the softened coconut oil & regular honey for the raw honey.    

FYI ~ almond meal & almond flour will give you very different results in your cookie making.  I found that out in this recipe.  It was news to me, I thought they were more or less the same.  Nope, good to know ~ lesson learned.  Not really.  As I've mentioned before, I'm a challenged baker since I almost always tinker with recipes.  That's usually fine with cooking ~ not so with baking.  Live & learn... and still I do it time & again when I bake! heehee   So, I'm calling my version an ~ Almond Meal Truffle Cookie.

My results ~  In using the almond meal, the cookies took on a more rustic appearance, texture & flavor.  And when they sat in the airtight container for a few hours, they morphed into an even softer cookie & started to turn into what I would consider more of a homemade 'Truffle Cookie'.  It's still good, it was just unexpected.  So, if you want to serve them as a more traditional cookie, bake them pretty close to the time you want to serve them.  Later on, present them as a Truffle Cookie & maybe even dust them with some powdered sugar to make them look like a whole new sweet treat.  You could even just go straight to the Truffle Cookie presentation by making them as cookies balls instead of the flattened cookie shape.

For another crack at that recipe, (since I'm always willing to tinker) I added some soy flour in place of a portion of the almond meal & used mashed banana in place of the coconut oil/margarine.  This batch made for a pretty cookie photo op, but they aren't good enough to make again/share the recipe.  I didn't care for the flavor of the soy flour in this cookie & they still morphed into the 'truffle cookie' texture.  I thought the picture turned out pretty, so I decided to share that part of my baking experiment with you.  For me, it's all about the journey in learning how to bake in my kitchen.  I'll still keep trying out new sweet things to bake, because you never know when you'll find the next best thing ever.  :)    

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