Fresh Berries! Get 'em while they're still cheap!

Homemade Raspberry Vinegar ~ making your own flavored vinegar is so easy & it allows you to really get creative with different fruit/herb flavors.  Check out how easy it is to make raspberry vinegar ~ here.  The post has lots of pictures, recipes for using the raspberry vinegar, as well as gift tags to download.  How cool it that?  :) 

Our local markets have been competing against each other & have been having a lot of good sales in the produce department lately ~ featuring tons of different fruits.  Woo-hoo!

I've been buying many different kinds.  Besides enjoying the fruit simply cut-up or just eating them out of hand, here are some other ways we have been enjoying them...

Strawberry Tofu Mousse ~  It's so cool how tofu can transform into a mousse.  It's an easy non-dairy, lower fat way to enjoy a mousse... & did I already mention it's easy?  :)   Check out this simple recipe.

Easy No-Bake Blueberry Pie ~ I always like the sound of that, especially when the weather is REALLY hot, like it's been here for most of the summer.  Check out the simple recipe ~ here.

Fresh Raspberries ~ We love eating raspberries; plain, with a little sugar or sometimes I just pour a little fat-free half & half or French Vanilla coffee creamer over the berries. Yummy!

Strawberries Marinated in Madeira ~ such an easy & elegant way to serve strawberries for dessert.  Check out the recipe over at Downton Abbey Cooks.  If you're a fan of the TV show, you will LOVE Pamela's site.  It's awesome!

Hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy all of the great end-of-summer prices, too!  Cheers!

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